Digestive Screenings

Digestive Screenings

Getting screened is vital to your well-being.
At Wiregrass Surgical, our general surgeons are experts in detecting, diagnosing, and treating digestive illnesses — especially colorectal cancer.

People often fear the digestive screening process due to the narrative it has developed throughout the years, but we are here to ensure you that digestive screenings really aren’t that bad. We heavily prioritize our patient’s health, as well as their comfort!

Who Gets Colorectal Cancer?

About 5%, or 1 in 20, of Americans, will be diagnosed with cancer of the colon or rectum in their lifetime.² It is the second-leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S.

The Wiregrass Surgical Difference

3 Benefits Of Digestive Screening

Digestive screenings are beneficial for numerous reasons. The main reason is to ensure your health and well-being.

  1. Early Detection – A screening is a diagnostic tool that can detect diseases, including cancer, in their early stages. Screenings can be performed on various parts of the body, including the digestive system, and can potentially save lives by catching diseases early and allowing for treatment.
  2. Lifestyle Adaptations – After a digestive screening, it may be necessary to make some lifestyle changes in order to improve your health and reduce your risk of developing serious health problems.
  3. Peace Of Mind – A digestive screening can give you peace of mind by providing answers to any questions or concerns you may have about your digestive health. This type of screening can be used to detect any abnormalities or problems with your digestive system, and can help to identify any potential health risks.

A New Level Of Digestive Screening Methods

There’s No Need To Fear Digestive Screening Methods.

Colonoscopies Aren’t As Bad As You Have Heard

What you can expect: Your surgeon uses colonoscope to view the inside of your colon. Tissue samples can be collected and abnormal growths can be removed right then and there. You will be mildly sedated and experience very little to no discomfort. The majority of patients don’t even recall having the procedure because their comfort was well managed. In fact, patients routinely tell us, “That wasn’t so bad after all!”

What To Expect From An Upper Endoscopy, A.K.A. EGD

Using an endoscope, which is a thin scope with a light and camera at its tip, your surgeon looks inside the upper digestive tract, the esophagus, stomach, and first section of the small intestine. The surgeon can pass instruments through the endoscope to directly treat many abnormalities like polyps (usually benign growths). As with a colonoscopy, you are mildly sedated during the procedure, so you experience little or no discomfort.

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